JUNE 2021
A first read-through of Lapopessa the Musical was held.
A second read-through was held.
Lapopessa was nominated for Best New Musical at Broadway World Boston Awards 2022
May 2022
A third read-through of Lapopessa the Concert was held. Many excellent recommendations resulted in a partial rewrite of the concert.
September 2022
Lapopessa the Concert was presented in Barre, Massachusetts, for six performances. The musical received standing ovations and was very well received. These performances allowed Paul and Allen Dion the opportunity to judge the audience's response and give them useful information to consider going forward.
October 2022
Paul and Allen decided to rewrite Lapopessa into a fully staged production of their musical with hopes of presenting the show at a college or professional theater company.
February 2023
With the book for Lapopessa the Musical heavily rewritten, the show is in excellent shape and ready for full stage production. Two-thirds of the score was partially rewritten, and some songs were cut. The story's conflicts were revisited, and plot lines were added or reimagined. Allen attended a local theater production of a play to look at the space, and Allen continues to actively seek viable performance spaces. Paul and Allen hope to have a production in early 2025.
March 2023
A May read through will be held which will be the first full read through of the revised, updated full musical.